Gamification in MedEd | Nicole Capdarest & Jamie Gray

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In this week’s IGHPE podcast, we’re looking at game-based learning, or gamification, and its use in medical education. Joining us to discuss this topic are Nicole Capdarest, Director of Blaisdell Medical Library, University of California, Davis, and Jamie Gray, Director of the Distributed eLibrary, Weill Cornell Medicine – Qatar.


Nicole Capdarest-Arest is Director of Blaisdell Medical Library at Unviersity of California, Davis. Prior to her role at UC Davis, Nicole worked at Stanford University School of Medicine and in a number of other information science roles. Jamie Gray is currently Director of the Distributed eLibrary at Weill Cornell Medicine – Qatar. She has held a number of library leadership roles at Stanford Lane Medical Library and at other institutions. Both have published papers on game-based learning.